One 2 One Training
As our companions it is essential that we can all get along, sometimes a dog's behaviour can put strain on this and be difficult to live with.
One to one training sessions in your home and local area are individually tailored to you and your dog.
One to one sessions typically last 1 hour, but 1.5 hours will be required on the initial session to take a thorough history of the particular difficulty you may be experiencing and formulate a training plan that will work for you and your dog. One to ones take place at your home (unless we arrange otherwise).
Depending on what problems you may be experiencing, a veterinary referral may be required, this is to ensure that there are no underlying medical considerations that need to be taken into account and it is often vital to work closely alongside your vet. You may be referred onto a behaviourist should your dog require medication to support their training or if longer term behavioural help is required.
Costs and booking:
Dogs 5 months and over
Initial one to one session and written training plan £50
Subsequent sessions £40
To book: Please email with details of what you would like to work on, your dog's age, where you are based and your contact number. If I am able to help, I will send you the booking link which details available appointments.
Puppy 5 months and under
One to one session £35
To book (puppies under 5 months only):
When to choose one to one training:
Training difficulties
Do you need extra help with training your dog not to jump up, to come back when called, or have an older dog that you would like to train? Perhaps they are a rescue dog and missed out on socialisation and early training?
New puppy
Would you like advice on where to start with training, socialisation, how to manage puppy chewing and mouthing, house training or with other areas of difficulty?
Problems with other dogs i.e. dog to dog reactivity
This can be such a difficult problem to cope with and can lead to owners feeling anxious and not looking forward to walks or avoiding them altogether. For many people, owning a dog is all about getting out and about and enjoying the outdoors, it can therefore be debilitating for the dog and the owner.
There are many causes for dog to dog reactivity, it can be a result of fear, under socialisation, frustration or even pain. Often this isn't a result of a lack of obedience training but a result of the dog's emotional state. A home visit is often required first to establish why your dog might be reactive towards others, to make changes to their home environment to help them be as settled as possible and to help you and your dog become a team before working with the dog outside the home. There are several training exercises that can be implemented to help manage your dog's behaviour e.g. teaching your dog to focus on you around distractions but training is balanced with working with your dog to feel more positive about other dogs in a step by step way.
Because of the nature of this difficulty, often 3 1:1s are necessary - 1st to establish the right environment and basics at home, 2nd to work outside the home with very life like stuffed dogs to work on reactivity at a distance and to give you plenty of practice with how to manage the situation, 3rd to either repeat work with stuffed dogs, reducing distance or taking the newly learned skills 'on tour' in more realistic situations to set you up for success in the future.
Often it is necessary for you to work with your companion in between sessions to get the full benefit and to see long term improvement i.e. lots of practice. The aim is for you to be able to walk your dog with confidence and enjoy walks again. Your dog may never be a socialite with other dogs but the more positive, well managed experiences your dog has, the more improvement you will see.
Whether or not you decide this is right for you and your dog, it's important to use only reward based methods, beware of 'quick fixes' that are aimed at stopping the reactive behaviour, rather than working through the underlying cause. They can be very detrimental in the long term and can lead to serious consequences. Don't be afraid to question a trainer/behaviourist about their methods.
Does your dog struggle in a training class environment?
You are not alone with this, often training in the home environment can suit some dogs better. It may be that you would like to work up to your dog coming to class but need to put a few things in place first.
Would you like advice on managing dogs and children, especially with keeping everyone safe?
Did you hope that having a dog would benefit your children but they don't seem to be getting on? Would you like them to have a stronger relationship?
Would you like your dog to be able to do specific tasks that you would find helpful?
Having a dog around is good for us, but perhaps you would like your dog to be able to do practical tasks like retrieve, target with their paw or close the door behind them? Perhaps you and your dog are involved with therapy work but you need some extra help with specific training?